Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Beginning of Music Thesis

I am starting this blog today.  As you well know, there are no boundaries in music with regard to its perception and interpretation into human mind.  I have done a great bunch of research on some of the most renown works and also on some modern tracks, doing a comprehensive study on what music patterns, chords and the accompaniments used in them that have made them pleasurable to human ears.

Although there is too much a factor of what kind of human ear (geography, gender, ethnicity, etc) that plays a role in liking or disliking a piece of music.  But have you ever come across something that hearing that you would shout "yes, this is it, nobody can hate it"  That happens but rarely.  I had a time and chance to work on those kinds of music works.  I am going to give you the insight of how far you can go in creating the notes that not only your type will like but chances that it might have a global liking.  Phenomenal.

Just subscribe!!